Bloggertaria - The blog of pleasure. And pain.

Thursday, May 01, 2008

No one can live just one!

While at most times living my one life keeps me busy, nowadays, I'd like more. Lives to live that is. There's so many things I'd want to be. So many things I'd want to do. And no matter what self-help books tell you, one life just isn't enough.

No, you cannot be all you want to be.

For example, you cannot be rich and poor at the same time. And I'd like to be both.
Rich enough to not care a damn. Being poor enough results in the same thing.
Either you have nothing to lose or you have enough to just keep losing. See what I mean?
I'd want to be the loyal lover. And I'd want to be the casanova too.
The ruthless business tycoon and the happy-go-lucky, good-at-nothing, will-just-do-anything kind too.

I'll admit it, I'm scared of growing old - not necessarily afraid to die, but just afraid of growing old, afraid that when I turn 50... heck 45 even, I'll turn around with all the arrogance I can muster then, and say 'what? is that all there is to it??'
Sometimes when I think about it, it bothers me, that at 28 I'm pretty much just coasting along.
Reasonably fun job (okay, its funner than most...), no real responsibility - apart from saving one's own ass - but, see that's what I mean - could it be, that having no real problem is where the dis-satisfaction stems from?

Is this rambling becoming more profound than it ought to?

Heck, I just want to do (and be) everything. And somehow, because of some warped logic, that defies the reality. Bummer.
Now excuse me, while I go and live whatever I get.