Bloggertaria - The blog of pleasure. And pain.

Monday, June 27, 2005

More monsoon musings

It's amazing how 'tapri' chai suddenly seems to taste sooo much better in the rains. Hashim (the guy who's responsible for all the 'cool' music that plays on VH1) and me stood at our regular chai tapri, just around the corner from the office and mused over the usual things that affect two guys....

The chaiwalla was forgiven for taking a good 20 minutes to brew us two isspeshuls. The rains have a way of making time look good.

Monday, June 20, 2005

Monsoon musings!

Everyone writes about the rains. So I figure I should too. There's not much left to write about though. Driving down the Expressway from Pune on Monday mornings gets hugely more enjoyable. The landscape turns an awesome green almost overnight and the wind adds to the exhilaration of clipping down the highway - of course, wrangled masses of trucks and cars (oddly I counted 3 Indicas this Monday!) add a slightly somber note to the incredibly beautiful scenery.

Rains are affecting my friend and colleague at work - Shirish - in strange ways. He is overcome by an urge to listen to boy bands and Celine Dion!

Currently Sam Fox's 'Touch Me' is blaring from his comp, sending Prakash Nair into throes of nostalgic orgasm.

It's time to get back to work. That's what we call it these days.

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Midweek musings

Wednesday. Thankfully its all downhill from here. It sometimes bothers me that i seem to live for the weekend. Don't get me wrong, i love my job (hope the boss is reading!) - but there's something about the weekend. I think its a hangover from my schooldays. Lemme say here that I hated school. I really did. Sorry, all of you who think 'those were the best days of my life' but i abhorred school. And i don't see how most average kids would think otherwise.
School was great if you were the unassuming types who seemed to float effortlessly thru one period into another or if you were the smart kid who lived for exams and had this limitless thirst for knowledge (that's what they called it) or if you were the superstar on the field.

Unfortunately i was neither. Didn't do too badly at school, was more or less terrible on the field - but i certainly wasn't happy there. I still love friday evening more than any other - the thought of two days of holidays is incredibly liberating - and i still hate sunday evening, where some sort of impending doom seems to hang over me.

2:31 on a wednesday afternoon and i'm happy with my lot. its a great job. really reasonable people to work with. finally. though i have to say that MTV must truly be God's favorite channel. How we manage to run it ( and almost successful may i add!) seems to be a mystery. Actually thats taking far too much credit. We don't run it. It kinda runs itself.

Eventually I might actually write about each of the 'stars' that populate our office here in Lower Parel, i have a feeling that it would make for a great soap. Totally dysfunctional. Kinda Ally Mcbealish. Way, way funnier though.

Keep reading.

Friday, June 10, 2005

The first few words...

Finally, i get myself a blog, I know it really isn't such a big deal, but it took reading the first simple post done by my colleague at work Jitin Abraham ( to make me actually do this.

Oh well. Those were the first few words. And if anyone's reading, expect more.