Bloggertaria - The blog of pleasure. And pain.

Saturday, January 05, 2008

Walk this way...

I've often said that this blog needs direction. And done nothing about it. Pretty much like my life, but that seems to be on some sort of track now - I'm doing things I never dreamt of doing, like buying a hole to call my own in Mumbai, trying to have a 'regular routine' - even if that includes not doing much...etc. etc.

So, coming back to my usual tripe, in order to give this blog some sanity, I've decided to blog my walk to weightloss. Yeah, I know, sounds like a cliched New Year resolution but part of the new improved life I plan to lead says that don't shy away from the regular just because it's regular. In other words, live like everyone else. It's okay to conform, it's perfectly fine to be average and it's even better to gloat about the sheer mediocrity one is allowed in this world!

Off we go then... watch this space...


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