Bloggertaria - The blog of pleasure. And pain.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

4th July '06 - a sequel to 26th July '05?

2.51 in the afternoon, I've been at work since 8am.....
and the activity at the radio station has now dimmed a bit.... the morning started off on a happy note, with my morning RJs chirpily urging listeners to not worry about the downpour and brave their way to work.... the happiness soon turned to concern as the deluge showed no signs of letting up...and by about 9.30 the telephone lines jangled incessantly and the text msgs started pouring in with a vengeance.

By 10am my RJs were looking glum and feeling terribly guilty for having actually spurred people to ignore the rains.

All of Mumbai, it seemed, was flooding. Again.

26th July last year I was stuck all night on the roads. I remember being tuned in to this very radio station all the way home - for a full 16 hours. And now I'm working for them. Strange, what?

I'm still in office, the morning RJs have left after being on air for a full 7 hours! The afternoon jock has taken over... the rains seem to have slowed down, but the anxiety in the air is palpable.

To make matters worse, my jeep is stalled in the parking lot below the building. And at the back of my mind I'm figuring out how I get that going!