Bloggertaria - The blog of pleasure. And pain.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Wistful thinking...

It was a weekend of decisions and choices. And one where every little decision somehow became one of national concern. It started off with deciding at what time to attend an old friend’s wedding in Bandra. While to most this would seem like a rather dumb thing to even think about – I mean, one just turns up about half an hour later than one is told to, right? Wrong. When you have to navigate the Juhu beach stretch on a Saturday night, this becomes a very tactically precise decision to make. Leave virtually a few minutes later than decided and you might end up stuck in the traffic at Juhu & missing the whole reception altogether. I never wonder where the hordes at Juhu beach come from, I always wonder why they come there…. Anyways, I digress... Back to the decision dilemmas.

Sunday morning started way, way earlier than any Sunday I’ve had in the past few years. Having woken up at 5am to drop off a friend who’d come to run the Thane marathon (yeah, talk about stupid decisions!!) I returned home to sleep till well past noon.
No, that wasn't the end of the choices that presented themselves to me in myriad form.

Lunch offered its own set of choices. Finally after much deliberation we settled for a South Indian saapad at Matunga. It didn’t stop there, the lunch (which was one long session of various options of dosa, bhaath & more) was followed by dessert decisions, which were pretty easy. Ice cream never needs much thought in my head.

The underlying current for all these decisions remained far more important ones of career and work.These continue to plague me even after much, much thought - and of course, after much discussion with friends & family as usual.

The flood of decisions continued into the week today. I spent the morning with my boss and colleagues deciding the creatives for a new marketing campaign… On the personal career front the decision remained elusive…

Then just before noon Vishal called with some shocking news. A friend had died in a car crash.

Go on. Don’t shy away from the choices you have, there’ll be times when you wished you had them.
And yes, go on, revel in those decisions. The decisive one is never yours.