Bloggertaria - The blog of pleasure. And pain.

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Team work...

Something I'd written over two months ago. But hadn't quite got on to finishing. So here it is.

March 01 - 10:00pm
the 'programming department' is hard at work. which would mean the 2 hotties that work for me are busy struggling with the new software thats being installed...

anil machado - the b'lore programming head... and our newly crowned software king has been flown down to help us make the transition smoothly. he's currently making himself useful by not interfering in the chaos.

sneha singh, our resident bihari babe is probably the only woman from her state to ever work on advanced radio scheduling software. she's doing the entire state proud. and has made herself even more useful by efficiently ordering chinese food. vegetarian, much to my dismay.

This is where I'd left it unfinished....

Now:- We're still struggling with the new software.