Bloggertaria - The blog of pleasure. And pain.

Thursday, September 15, 2005

So what?

So, I'm not a regular blogger. There I said it. Acceptance is half the battle - ask any addict of any sort. And like confession for a sinner it solves everything.

To say that my last few weeks have been hectic would be an understatement. They've been intensely stressful. There's been stress on the work front. Stress on the home front. And there's that toothache (okie so it only happened two days ago, but i can use the excuse....)

The toothache's gone though. It went with the tooth. My second extraction, in as many years. One would think 2 root canals and 1 extraction later i'd be better behaved at the prospect of another visit to the dentist. Ha. One always thinks wrong.

It was the same. Made innumerable calls to family in Pune. The sister and mother always bear the brunt of my impulsiveness. Finally went home yesterday. Visited the dentist. And got the offending tooth removed. The ache has now been replaced by a swollen face, a dull throb and the complete inability to smile.


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